My favorite TV show on earth is called "Seal Team". It involves a main character who deals with breacher syndrome, a known issue in military soldiers who have dealt with multiple TBI's. Many of the attitudes towards treating TBI are on full display in this show, even to the most recent season finale (I won't ruin it for you, don't worry). There seems to be an automatic shy ignorance to the effects of this most detrimental condition. Many people in authority roles have shifted blame and claimed "out of sight, out of mind" as they shuffle people around and move on to their next mission......only one problem with that. TBI is a very serious condition (see movie "Concussion" with Will Smith) and it needs to be treated as such following a motor vehicle crash. The more feeble a person tends to be, the higher risk they tend to be. But, even the strongest of us (even a NAVY SEAL!) have to deal with the devastating effects of TBI.
Brain Bleeding In many cases, the head does not have to contact a stationary object to produce Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Often times, the shearing forces that occur during whiplash are significant enough to produce separation of nerve endings in the brain. This is also called Axonal Shearing or Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) and results in symptoms such as pain, memory loss, seizures and coma. DAI has two components; one is immediate and the second delayed, resulting from nerve damage from chemicals released at the first stage. DAI has no correlation to bleeding of the brain or skull fractures. A study published in the Journal of Neurotrauma, stated that victims should be imaged within 2 weeks post trauma, as the damage in the acute phase is most useful for prognostic value. Marquez De La Planta et al. (2007) stated that, “…in DAI CT is usually normal or reveals only small deep (shear) hemorrhages. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is recommended in these situations, as MR is significantly more sensitive to axonal shear injuries than CT” (p. 592). When trauma victims are demonstrating symptoms of DAI, it is imperative they receive an accurate diagnosis through MRI of the Brain.
Spine & Injury Centers of San Antonio is a local network of 5 chiropractic offices. As a group, we are raising the standard of care for injured patients and their families.
If you have recently been in a car accident, or had a personal injury, sports injury, or exercise injury, and are experiencing back pain, neck pain, knee pain, whiplash, headaches, leg pain, etc, our San Antonio injury chiropractors can help!
Our goal is to get you back to living a pain-free life as quickly as possible.
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